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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Is It OK To Make Fun Of Children?

Well, dear readers, I'm not really sure, but it sort of feels wrong, so I'm gonna answer with the big NO and the little (yes) right behind it. Essentially what's happening here is that an LA (of course) based recording company called ARK music is exploiting tweeny little girls with autotuned pop songs in an effort to replicate the Bieber Phenomena. For those of you unfamiliar, androgynous music sensation Justin Bieber basically youtubed his way to superstardom in this manner, although, to his credit, his mindless drivel masquerading as 'lyrics' was never actually autotuned. So good job there, Biebs. At any rate, now the Interwebs are now being inundated with music videos of songs that are hysterically bad. Which brings me back to my original point. If these 'artists' were over 18, criticizing them would not only be legitimate, it would almost be the duty of all of us to mock them into extinction. But since it's kids, maybe we should cut them a little slack? I mean, if you saw a little kid with a lemonade stand, and you went up to him and asked him how much gross profit his business is yielding and he responds "I made 15 cents today!" and you responded by laughing your ass off, that's not okay, right? That's where the big NO comes in. He's cute for trying. The small (yes) comes in when you realize that these shallow, adorable little girls are part of a corporate effort to separate your family from it's money via your tweenage daughter, who probably already has a 'My Jeans' poster on her wall. So, shame on you ARK music for being such obvious cheap-ass hustlers and crapsmiths and for forcing me into a moral quandry. And for making me hear this.


  1. Sweet Jesus I think I need to puke. No, I know I need to puke. Excuse me for a moment.

  2. Ok...I'm back. Feeling much better now. I say, "Yes". It's perfectly ok to make fun of these future citizens. Someone needs to teach them the importance of NOT being lame-asses.

  3. Sorry dude. It is my moral duty to let you know what is going on in America these days, no matter how painful it is to witness
