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Sunday, May 8, 2011

Alphawerewolff Is Real, Dude

So, I'm sure you all remember our friend Alphawerewolff, teen werewolf, eye makeup devotee, and victim of a bully named Josh. Who could forget. Well, the other night a little short fella suggested that Alphawerewolff is just an 'epic troll', as they say, or in other words not an actual teenage superfunny/insane fuckin' guy but a very good actor portraying such. So, to help you cope with that notion, here's an introduction to teenage werewolfery in America circa 2011:

That's just so you know that someone can actually say "I just wanna be a teenage werewolf" and not be kidding. And it is hilarious. Hard evidence after the jump...

There's like dozens more of these, folks. The ones that are intended to be funny are totally awful and the ones that are crazy rants are priceless gems. Evan is definitely for real. He's probably on some sort of medication and definitely one of these werewolf kids, and he actively displays himself to an adoring public on a regular basis via the Tubes and doesn't seem to understand his sudden underground notoriety. I encourage you to explore his entire body of work, and then you can decide for yourself, America.

This one made me laugh so hard that I cried. Am I a bad person?