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Sunday, June 5, 2011

"Les Schtroumpfs Sont Mal"

French Sociologist Antoine Bueno is extremely worried about the effect les Schtroumpfs (known 'round these parts as 'The Smurfs') could be having on children...

... Buéno depicts the little blue creatures as racist, sexist, anti-Semitic "archetype[s] of totalitarian society imbued with Stalinism and Nazism."
Does he have a point? Let's break it down, baby;

  • ANTI-SEMITISM : Gargamel - ugly, hunchbacked, dirty, hook nosed and gold obsessed. Total jew. And he owns a cat.
  • SOCIALISM - Smurfs are socialists, as they own no property and share everything. Including Smurfette.
  • SEXISM - See above.
  • RACISM - If you're not blue, you can't be a Smurf.
  • TOTALITARIANISM - Papa Smurf runs the whole show with an iron fist. His word is law.
  • STALINISM - Papa Smurf wears red pants.
  • NAZISM - The Smurfs systematically arrested and gassed the Snorks until there were fewer than 4000 left in Krakow.

Smurf Gestapo in action

Wow! Sounds like the professor might be right! I guess we better keep our kids away from that Smurfs movie! Ohhhh... yeah, they didn't want to see it anyway.

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