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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Boromir Gets Stabbed In London Bar Fight, Continues Drinking Until Last Call

My new favorite Hollywood badass, actor Sean Bean (also known as Boromir to fanboys everywhere), got involved in a bit of a kerfluffle in London last weekend. from the Daily Mail:
Apparently Bean was smoking in front of his local pub in London with a "glamour model" (which is British for topless model) when someone walking by made a lewd comment about her. Bean chased him off, but when he went out for another cigarette the guy was waiting and stabbed him in the arm and punched him in the face. Bean chased him off again, but instead of going to the hospital, he patched himself up with a first aid kit and kept on drinking.
My BOY! You think he was gonna lose his buzz or his glamour model (who turned out to be Playmate April Summers) going to the hospital for nothing more than a stab wound? Fuck to the No! Eat it, Russel Crowe and Sean Penn. There's a new sheriff in town, and he has a lilting british accent.

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