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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

You Don't Own Your Car

Data courtesy Urban Country:
Imagine you could work 500 hours less every year. That works out to be an extra 12.5 weeks of vacation. Alternatively, imagine you got paid for an extra 500 hours of work each year. That would work out to be an extra $11,000 every year for an average American making $22 per hour. 500 hours a year - or 2 hours each day - is roughly the equivalent to what the average American worker will work in order to pay for their cars (the average is between 1.46 hour/day and 2.90 hours/day depending on which data is used).
Your Car Owns You.

Spatial Timeline Of Middle Earth

This is what's known as a spatial timeline, which is a sort of a timeline placed onto a map so you can see the 'where and the when' at the same time, if you will. So this UF sophomore JT Fridsma learned about spatial timelines in his socioeconomics class and then decided to do one on Middle Earth starring the characters from Lord of the Rings. Unless you have super-eyes though, you will need to click here to check it out, because I can't make it big enough to read. If you like maps like I do, you will think it is neat.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Alphawerewolff Is Real, Dude

So, I'm sure you all remember our friend Alphawerewolff, teen werewolf, eye makeup devotee, and victim of a bully named Josh. Who could forget. Well, the other night a little short fella suggested that Alphawerewolff is just an 'epic troll', as they say, or in other words not an actual teenage superfunny/insane fuckin' guy but a very good actor portraying such. So, to help you cope with that notion, here's an introduction to teenage werewolfery in America circa 2011:

That's just so you know that someone can actually say "I just wanna be a teenage werewolf" and not be kidding. And it is hilarious. Hard evidence after the jump...

Tea Parties Are For Little Girls

The Tea Party would be the Republican's achilles' heel except that the Republicans compare more favorably to Cobra Commander than they do to Achilles at this point, which I suppose would make the Tea Party their Cobra Commander's heel, then. Their latest bone to pick is the debt ceiling debate. Basically, the Republicans are threatening to vote down the bill to raise the debt ceiling unless the Democrats increase cuts in spending (but only cuts in programs Republicans don't like are actually to be considered 'cuts', it would seem). but its kind of a sham because the non wingnut Republicans know that to not raise the debt ceiling is to invite disaster. But the Tea Party, the albatross around the neck of the Republicans that we always knew they would be, is entrenching on this one, saying that they will never vote to raise the limit. This hurts the Republicans because they are trying to wring concessions out of the Democrats, and America because if this debt ceiling is not raised, bad things will happen. Behold:
You do not want to suggest to the markets in any way you’re going to default,” Conrad told reporters after appearing at a Washington policy summit. “That could have very serious consequences on interest rates.”
Just higher interest rates? That doesn't sound so bad does it?
As I have written previously, default by the United States on its obligations would have a catastrophic economic impact that would be felt by every American.  A broad range of government payments would have to be stopped, limited or delayed, including military salaries, Social Security and Medicare payments, interest on debt, unemployment benefits and tax refunds.  A default on the Nation’s legal obligations would lead to sharply higher interest rates and borrowing costs, declining home values and reduced retirement savings for Americans.  Default would cause a financial crisis potentially more severe than the crisis from which we are only now starting to recover. -  Tim Geithner in a letter to John Boehner
Oh. That sounds bad. Is the Tea Party worried about defaulting on our debt? Heck no!
With TV ads, petitions and grassroots lobbying, tea party organizers are gearing up to send an absolutist message to Capitol Hill: Don’t raise the debt ceiling under any circumstances. Tea party activists have already clashed publicly with some of the 87 GOP freshmen they helped elect last year, and they’re warning that Republicans who don’t keep their fiscal promises will pay a political price.
Maybe if they bring financial ruin to the entire country and a second Great Depression they will feel as though they have made their point.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Happy 2 Month Anniversary Le Haineux

Wow, two whole months already. That's four fortnights, give or take. It feels like six and a half at least. Happy Anniversary! I got you this video of a couple of Russian guys getting their ass kicked by another Russian guy. I hope you like it.

 Anyways, here is a comprehensive list of every topic we have covered, in case you missed something.

1984 (1)
2012 election (1)
9/11 (1)
airplane crashes (1)
algortihms (1)
Alphawerewolff (1)
Angry Homo Kid (1)
Ann Coulter (1)
Anonymous (2)
Apocalyptard (1)
Applebee's (1)
april fool's day (1)
Ass(strutting) (2)
assfucking (1)
Assholes (1)
atlas shrugged (1)
Ayn Rand (5)
Bad hair (1)
Bagger 288 (1)
beatdowns (1)
Beyonce (1)
Bi-polar (1)
Big Brother (1)
Bill Cosby (1)
Bill O'Reilly (1)
Birther (2)
bisexual (1)
blowjob (1)
BP (1)
boner (1)
brain (1)
brain boners (1)
Breaded Sausage Wontons (1)
bullies (2)
bullies named 'Josh' (1)
bullshit (1)
Calvin and Hobbes (1)
Camera Angles (1)
capital punishment (1)
Carl Sagan (1)
Charlie Sheen (2)
Cheech and Chong (1)
children (4)
China (1)
christian hatemongering (1)
cocaine (1)
Cockblocker (1)
college textbooks (1)
ComicCon(doesn't matter which one) (1)
Contra (1)
Cooking (1)
cool RC jets (1)
Courtney Hole (1)
creepers (1)
cthulu (1)
dating sites (1)
David Caruso (1)
death (2)
dog lovers (2)
dogmongling (42)
domestic violence (2)
Donald Trump (3)
Douchebags (3)
Drunk Babies (6)
Easter Island (1)
emo faggotry (1)
environmental devestation (1)
fan fiction (1)
fear (1)
Federal Prison (1)
Fist-pumping (1)
Fox news (2)
Freud (1)
fur faggotry (1)
Gandhi (1)
Gay Robot; U.S. Navy (1)
German Bodybuilders (1)
Glenn Beck (3)
Godzilla (1)
Grey Goo (1)
Guatanamo Bay (1)
hacking (1)
Hairclub for Men (2)
Harry Potter (1)
hats (1)
History (2)
Hitler (1)
horror movies (1)
hot british chicks (1)
intellectual (1)
iPhone (1)
Irishness (1)
Japan Earthquake (1)
Jersey Shore (1)
Jimmy Kimmel (1)
jobs (1)
Jon Stewart (1)
Jung (1)
Justin Bieber (1)
Karl Rove (1)
kickball (1)
KISS (1)
larping (3)
lemonparty (1)
libertarians (1)
Lies (1)
math sucks (1)
Matt Taibbi (1)
memes (4)
My Immortal (1)
NASA (1)
nerds (1)
net neutrality (1)
Newt Gingrich (1)
Nicolas Cage is gay (1)
nuclear fucking meltdown (1)
Obama (1)
Objectivism (5)
old people need to steer clear of all things Internet (1)
orange jumpsuits (1)
Osama (2)
overcompetetive douchecanoes (1)
Pale Blue Dot (1)
Penis Size (1)
people you never wanted see again after high school (1)
planets (1)
plastic surgery (1)
public drunkeness (1)
radiation (3)
Rand Paul (1)
Rebecca Black (4)
Red Fang (1)
Republican Jesus (2)
Republicans (2)
retarded sports (1)
Robopocalypse; HAL; Cyborg (2)
Royal Wedding 2011 (3)
rude hedgehogs (1)
Russians (1)
Sesame Street (1)
sewage (1)
sex (1)
skinny kids (1)
smart phone (1)
SNL (1)
space (1)
Steve Jobs (1)
stiff (1)
stupid phone (1)
survival (1)
Taco Bell (1)
Tea Baggers (1)
The Amazon Jungle (1)
The Giving Tree (1)
The King's Speech is the worst fucking movie ever (1)
The Tubes (1)
Tiger Woods (2)
Tokyo Electric (1)
torture (1)
Treacherous (1)
Trekkies (1)
US Navy lasers (1)
vaginas (2)
Wales (1)
Wall Street (1)
Wicker man (1)
Wikileaks (1)
Will and Kate (2)
Yo mama (1)
You Suck (1)
Zach Galifinakis (1)
Quite the list! A very diverse and eclectic selection, if I do say so myself. The most referenced topic was 'dogmongling', with a disturbing amount of 'Drunk Babies' taking second. I checked and this actually makes us the number one dogmongling site on the whole internet, which is awesome because if you are reading this then it is already too late and it has stained your browser history forever. Ha!

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Some of you have wondered what larping is. LARPing is Live Action Role Playing. It looks like this:

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Memewatch 2011 Best of Osama

Worst Way To Die Discovered In Sweden

A woman's body and a dog's body were both pulled from a manure basin yesterday somewhere in Sweden. It is believed that the dog fell in and she jumped in after him but was unable to regain the shore..
"It is practically impossible to get back out of the well once you have got in there," said [police inspector Pelle] Jenvén.
In honor of my ongoing morbid fascination with the subject of "Worst Ways To Die", I would like to immediately move "drowning in a gigantic shit lake" straight to the number one position. Ugh. On the plus side, it sounds like an easy one to avoid, but you never really know.

Ron Paul And Some Other Twats To Debate Some Stuff

The participants in tomorrow night's first Republican Presidential Debate sponsored by Fox News, have been determined: Herman Cain, Tim Pawlenty, Gary Johnson, Rick Santorum, and Ron Paul. Apparently the Rentistoodamnhigh Guy either was not available or was not considered for invitation based on his appearing so well-spoken, charismatic, and presidential when compared to rest of the field that it is assumed he would just automatically win. Seriously, two of these guys I just heard of right now, two others I barely heard of, and the last one is Rand Paul's dad. Just for lulz I'll look them all up for you...

  • Hermain Cain - Black fella. Went to Purdue. Former CEO of Godfather's Pizza, which supposedly qualifies him for something. Oh yeah, and by the way, I was just wondering when the last time you ate at a Godfather's Pizza was? Exactly. Now just cross apply that phenomenon to "America".
  • Gary Johnson - Would be the first ever President with middle name 'Earl'. Triathelete former governor of New Mexico. Tea Party's first candidate, unless you count RP. Wants to legalize weed, which is good, wants to dismantle the rest of the Fed as well, which is bad.
  • Rick Santorum - World's Most Famous Google Bomb Victim. Lol.
  • Tim Pawlenty - Vanilla-flavored mayonnaise on white bread. So Booooring. Only interesting thing this former Gov. of Minnesota ever did was serve as Sarah Palin's welcome mat to the national stage.
  • Ron Paul - Doctor from Texas who cannot afford a last name. Libertarian Objectivist Fuckwad. Why Fuckwad, you ask? Because all this guy does all day is write spurious legislation (abolish Fed reserve, end income tax, etc.) which then in turn has to go to committee, which wastes more of congresses precious time they could be spending debating something not stupid. Thats why Fuckwad.
I would say that the chances for this to be a real blowout, fuckin' mindbender of a debate are pretty slim given the participants, that is unless Republican Jesus shows up on stage shooting his AR-15 into the air while riding his war unicorn, in which case it might be pretty good.


Monday, May 2, 2011

Killing An Arab

"I've never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure." ~ Clarence Darrow

Being as it is prolly the biggest news story so far this decade (after the Royal Wedding and Balloon Boy), I suppose I must at least make passing mention of the recent double-tapping of Osama Bin Laden. Can't say as I don't approve. And Obama got him! HA! It is a good day for America, not because of revenge but because of closure. 9/11 is over, now. Terrorism, problems in the Middle East region, these things all persist but we have finally put paid to the animals who killed all those people for no good reason. Do you remember how you felt that day? I think what just about everyone wanted most was justice. That the perpetrators be caught and punished for those terrible crimes. Well, America, it's finally happened, so we can put this thing to rest finally, and the tenth anniversary need not be as solemn an occasion as the previous nine. Then, perhaps, we can move on as a nation and a society instead of having our entire culture and geopolitical strategy dominated by what happened on a single day almost ten years ago. Perhaps our collective rage and grief can now subside into acceptance and a sincere desire to move on with our lives.

Not everyone is going to be on board with this, however...