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Saturday, August 6, 2011

Mike Huckabee Fixes American History

At last. I've often said to myself  "Self, wouldn't it be great if there was a Mike Huckabee Interwebs Video explaining all important American historical events using time travelling cartoon characters?". Well, I got my wish, America. Get a load of this:

This is just a preview, because you have to pay like fifteen bucks for each actual episode, because, you know, Huckabee isn't a communist or somethingHere's a few more I was able to dig up sans currency changing hands.

It sort of looks like South Park if it were animated by someone using a Commodore. I love the last one especially, where Mike reaches out to feminists with a "Girl Power!" shout out and the time travellin' kids wind up at Pearl Harbor and do the patriotic thing by not warning anybody. I'll be keepin my eye out for more of these, believe you me.

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