Grafitti never lies |
Soooo, you prolly heard that social networking 1.0 dinosaur mySpace is in pretty bad shape with only 35 million users left (that's a 50 percent loss since January). Thats compared to 500 million on Facebook. I had to laugh, though, because I couldn't believe that there's 35 million people that are still blinging out their mySpace pages. Lol. I guess Justin Timberlake is involved in some capacity now (hopefully not a financial one) and they're trying to turn things around. From Gawker:
For all the talk about Justin Timberlake taking over MySpace, it turns out that the real decision maker at the recently sold social network is a former Pepsi executive named Al Dejewski. And Dejewski's is proposing some tough love: detox, shape up, and focus on selling music, for bros. Oh, God, whatever, dad. "We may have lost some traction to people like Facebook," with its 500 million users, the suit says. Ya think?
"We need to get it on P90X," Dejewski said of MySpace to AdAge. "Clean its system and get back to its foundation. And we've found that foundation is music." Apparently MySpace has deals with the four major music labels, hired not one but two (!) branding agencies, brought on some marketing types from Proctor & Gamble and CBS, is serious about turning things around, this time it's going to be different, yadda yadda whatever.
Whatever P90X is (it sounds cool, like some sort of secret government formulated retrovirus that makes everyone into cannabalistic mySpace-loving futuremutants), they're going to need a fuck of a lot more than that and some "system cleaning" (lololololol) to get everybody back onto mySpace. Unless they have a time portal back to 2005, when mySpace was the only game in town, then I kind of doubt it. While we're at it, lets all get back on AOL. "You've got mail!". Ha. Remember that? They made a
movie about it.
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