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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

10 Protips To Get You Started

So what is a meme for, anyways, you ask? What do they do, what is their function, their raison d'etre if you will? Memes are shortcuts for comment boxes. Rather than type 'You are Stupid' in a comment box, it's much faster/easier/funnier to just insert a 'Derp!' meme photo. Isn't this just lazy trolling, you ask. No! It is efficient trolling, allowing you to troll over 9000 times as many crappy comments per hour. These will help get you going...

1. FAIL - The original classic. Still used even though it has become an IRL catchphrase. Gets your point across in a way that no one can miss.

2. COOL STORY BRO - You can use this one on just about anything that involves a lame personal anecdote, which most comment boxes are rife with.

3. I ACCIDENTALLY... This one is for pointing out funny mistakes when foreigners mangle teh English

The post that started it all

4. YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG - For use anytime someone could be doing something better.

5. THE INTERNETS ARE SERIOUS FUCKING BUSINESS - For when people are taking things just a little too seriously, like threatening lolsuits and FBI raids and whatnot.

6. FGSFDS - pronounced "fiddis figgis", it is used when someone is speaking total gibberish

7. TL;DR - "too long, didn't read", for those whose postings have become verbose to the point of obtusity.

8. DIVIDE BY ZERO - For when anybody claims that something impossible happened, or when someone is using fuzzy or incorrect math.

9. YOUR ARGUMENT IS INVALID - Perfect for those ridiculous leaps of 'logick' that commenters are so well known for.

10. OWNED or PWNED - Another interwebs slang term that wormed it's way into real life. Still very useful for when someone has had the better gotten of them.

Well, there you are, some basic tools to get you, America, out there trolling people's stupid, asinine, butthurt, predictable and inane comments. It's your civic duty. Go start some shit.

Or of course, you can always go with the nuclear option. This picture is usable in any comment section anywhere, and results in total devastastion whenever used:

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