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Saturday, July 2, 2011

Oh Noes! Internet Superhero Chris Hansen Gets Caught Cheating!

Pedobear finally gets his revenge

Chris Hansen has been caught sexing it up with some Florida skank! And not with a 13 year old that he met on the Internetz, 'cause that would just be too perfect. Yes, it's true, and if le Haineux is your only source of news, then you heard it here first; Chris Hansen, star of the Internet's favorite television show, To Catch A Predator, got himself caught hooking up with some 30 year old floozy homewrecker news anchor. For your consideration:

I love love love that they caught him on hidden camera. Thank you Jesus, for the National Enquirer. So, in case you didn't know, Chris Hansen is an immensely popular meme on the net, probably due to the fact that TCAP was the first TV show to really use the internet in it's format. This event has caused a lulzwave so epical that it might drown Japan (too soon?) For your contemplation:

Sooo much moar after the break....

 Some classic shyte:

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