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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

God Is Punishing Us For The Casey Anthony Verdict

God is super-hella-fucking pissed at us right now, America. It has to be that Casey Anthony verdict that has him so steamed. Here's what he did to Phoenix yesterday:

Nice apocalyptic dust storm, there, AZ. Remember the dust belt, anyone? I do appreciate His choice of Phoenix, though; it is my least favorite American city as well. Do you suppose that, since we are in the endtimes now, that God will destroy our cities in order of His least to most favorite? If it's true, then that's not good news for Cleveland, folks. Some more pix:

So, remember America, try not to piss of God anymore, ok? Next time we even remotely suspect that someone maybe killed their darling little kid, we'll just give 'em the chair. Sorry God. Won't happen again, bro.

*UPDATE* Nancy Grace is fucking pissed, too.

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