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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Douchebag of the Week

This week was just waaaaaaay to easy. After being given a heads-up that Donald Trump was firmly in the camp of being a birther, we decided that this was douchebag material. Not only does Donald have a dead animal for a toupe, but he's clearly trying to self-implode his own nomination for President. Which is ok with us because who really freely admits to wanting Donnie-boy as our next President. If you're reading this and think,"I really think Mr. Trump would make a fine President". Than by all means leave your wonderful commentary at the bottom here so we can heckle you and remind you how much of a douchebag you are as well.

The worst part for Donald "Chump" is the fact that Bill O'Reilly and Karl Rove disagree with him. Ouch...fuck that...double ouch!! If Billy-boy and Karl "I've got a hard-on for bush" Rove believe your full-o-shit, well, you're basically Coo-Coo for Coco Puffs. You're done. No run at the presidency for you. But I'm sure Donald will do his New York best. Money quote from Donald where he claims, "A lot of the so-called birthers, these are great people, these are really great American people." Donnie adding more,"These are hard working, unbelievable, salt of the earth people". Well, we agree with one thing for sure. These people are truly fucking unbelievable. Congratulations Donnie-boy! You're the Douchebag of the Week!!

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